Monday, January 12, 2009

Best Fashion Edits in US Fashion Mags July-Dec 2008

Best Fashion Edits in US Fashion Mags July-Dec 2008

W july 2008 lara stone. daria. kate moss by weber in miami. a few times a year, when bruce weber does 'his thing' in W all the way [like kate detroit, and even her new orleans edit] they are arguably the best photo-essays in an american magazine. the model[s]. the styling. the landscape. the "story" told. basically weber's done it again here. as far as an american magazine, its hard to find 3 model performances as good as these in 2008. lara might be the focus, and her body has never looked this good. and as 'iffy' as kate might be in certain 07-08 edits, shes superb [as usual] in weber's hands. and you know what, daria is my favourite of the 3 here. page 97 alone is one of the best mag pages of 2008 from any source. alex white's effortless but brill styling. weber's compositions from individual to off-hand groups. oh sasha is here too, another crush of mine. yoo-hoo gareth pugh. the sumptuous boobs of all 3 girls. and my crush on daria again. lara & a bunny rabbit. the miami sun. who could love you better like this? 11+ of 10.
* oh cover daria kate & lara in summer camp bed. no one can love you better like that.

VOGUE JUNE 2008 : daria & pierce brosnan by Testino. now THIS is great!!! THEME OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA hITCHCOCK IS SO GREAT, and totally realized with props like the Mercedes, church & Golden Gate. Im a huge Daria fan & her retro perfection here is really something. Pierce is a bit wooden but he's handsome in that Cary Grant-ish way Just superb styling by Grace as usual everything looks awesome ralph, lanvin, prada, marc, thakoon, balen, D&G. this edit is awesome in a thematic way that too few us vogue edits are. LOVE the hitchcock theme, settings & daria !! 9 of 10. Testino's pics all the way there.

trentini, cat mcneil , stam & linchuk [?] in bridgehampton by klein. gotta love this. great swim bodies espec cat & trini. kleins pool is always fun, balloon animals etc. also subtle kinky subtext: lesbians, woman's world, future sex , all that. really hot for usually staid us vogue. 9 of 10

#4:W AUGUST 2008:
guinevere by roversi. real surprise in ish. guin is GREAT swim girl. roversi you know how great he is. and here too. guin looks amazing shes still got it, more than turly or gissy as seen here. stunning modelling so sexy. alex white chose AMAZING swim pieces. outrageous edit that steals the mag. 9 of 10 one of best of 2008

amber by klein. I think meisel usually shoots amber in 21st century for us vogue but klein actually did amazing here. sure amber is pretty air-brushed last 5+ years but more often than not she still has it, especially here. tonne goodman's styling is so brill, this deserves 1st edit, has look of london 1965 + eggleston's memphis 1969. its just so brill, its like that testino/daria/hitchcock thing, makes me wonder why US vogue cant always be this good. klein is so inconsistent in us vogue but hes top class here. love the way the photo-tones are processed. and amber & especially tonne's styling are awesome. remarkable. 9 of 10.

#6:BAZAAR June 2008. agnete hegelund + anabela belikava by tom munro. Open up the june HB & when you see agnete & anabela on the first 2 edit pages, right there you know HB is better than us vogue in summer 2008. I loved both of these girls at first look, anabela's had star edits in HB since late 2007. agnete has been hot in the biz for about a year I guess but shes new, I think, to HB & W too? anyway this is a studio fall edit styled by brana wolf and it rocks top to bottom. 13 page edit brana really scores with the fall looks, hi-lites incl: armani, prada, gucci, chanel, ralph, ck, bottega, balen, ysl, LV, kors, D&G, ricci. I cant even choose betw the two girls I mean maybe anabela is more seasoned and maybe agnete is slightly more beautiful? dont want to choose. munro's studio pics are strong its basic but it communicated harder with the refined palette & makeup than many vogue studios. just a wonderful shoot girls clothes, mood. killer intro edit to june. 8.8 of 10.

W JULY 2008: karlie kloss & viktoriya by david slijper. when W gives us front of book edits they usually rock and this one is even harder than usual. I cant believe how good karlie is looking now I thought she was an ED 13 year old when she debuted. this viktoriya is a classy russian/east euro looking blonde - can u believe how many babes that region has turned out the last 5 years? its like the rest of the world cant even compete with a few east bloc countries. shes a little hard almost a jacquetta angular [with valentina genes] but karlie balances her with the "16 magazine" teen spirit. the styling here by marcus teo is actually amazing its like he's channeling grace c or tonne g I swear & I dont even know who marcus is! mcqueen, givenchy. ysl. bottega. D&G [love the menswear on karlie WOW!]. kors . gio. this is a front-book edit that is better than your better bazaar or us vogue lead edits!! the girls, the pics, the styling, its a Major WOWW!! 8+ of 10. W JULY 2008:

anja by tony ward. anja really acts up here its hot. ward's pics are decent but not exactly all-star. yet anja is so great on 126 & espec 132 its actually oddly successful. not as consistent as rhoda shoot but better in parts. 8.0 of 10 cos I like anja more than rhoda.

maryna linchuk as tabitha simmons by mcdean. wow I like ML in vogue by mcdean! 8 of 10

#10 TIE::
karen elson by meisel as grace. youve got to love it 8 of 10.

#10 TIE:
sasha as elissa by inez & Vinoodh. I have loved elissa since 89 & sasha since whenever. it works, baby 8 of 10


VOGUE JUNE 2008 : trentini by demarchelier in Patagonia. trini & patrick work together so well. trini is superb here, big crush on her. patrick comes through with the wide-screen pics, theyre quite good but not genius. phyllis' styling gets the job done but the towel pic [of course] wins the day. high marks for trini. 7.5 of 10 for her.

daria & raquel by david sims. its so great to see daria regularly in US Vogue, credit to anna for that. raquel has been so great for like 5 years now wow she's a true MVP. love the way daria's body looks here, Im so into arms hers are beautiful and her legs too. make up makes both look a touch odd/alien but not that bad. sims takes a lot of stick for his 'jumping' vogue edits - mcdean had some, really us vogues been doing dopey 'jumping' a lot the last few years - but Im not complaining here I think the girls are good actually. and grace's clothes as usual are excellent, shes vogue's editing MVP. looks i like espec incl prouenza, balen [wow!!!], prada, DK [daria's arms!], ysl, rodarte [brill styling!], lanvin, and chanel. killer styling. really hot 1st edit, give it to daria, grace & sims too. 7.6 of 10.

W AUGUST 2008:
doha qatar islamic museum by j teller. another brill travel piece by teller [remember his DC lily cole? best shes ever been?]. anyway variety of doha/museum scenes. good portraits. big car at the water front6 is best. supermarket too. teller is so so great. 7.9 of 10

W AUGUST 2008:
gisele my mert/marcus. technicaly the pics are great. future effects. colours. alex whites styling is exciting but also a bit 'kitchen sink'? gisele has a bit of her "Im dumb" character here; yet also a super-human body & shes sexy... just dont love her performance say vs turly in edit #1?? but no arguing with her tit on 191 and espec her cultivated ass on 205. just shopot her bare ass all day & youll get a famous edit. 7.6 of 10, nice pics

rhoda by kadel. rhoda is blonde & it works. her work is actually at a very high level since 2007. kadel also shot great here & mossman's styling is the best in the ish so far. 16 pg edit this at least can compare with a strong, classic HB story that you'd see in last 10-20 years. 7.9 of 10 really rhoda & kadel impressed.

kate moss by testino + retrospective. new kate pics by testino are great, just like amber by klein "Chelsea girl" not the warhol, the London 65 CG. retro pics show that Kate is greatest model ever. anna brings kate back to vogue cover, but with subtle "Age" dig. fuuck anna, kate's the greatest & shes 100000X cooler than anna. great work by kate, testino & grace. 7.9 for retro feature, cover & new pics.

keira by testino. some people call keira too thin but I like her, even in bikinis. theme here is art galleries in Berlin. even if its slightly jarring contrast to grace's typically forward styling, its exciting. & keira really isnt exerting much 'modelling' energy, but the clothes & the pics are so good, it really works. maybe not a home run lead edit for seopt, but its quite good. cover is more typical us vogue of last 10 years, concervative, but adequate. I would have preferred to see sexy keira bikinis like say a charlize but for an actress cover story, mario & grace def pull it off. 7.7 of 10

sasha by sims. whats here is great stuff, grace edited. Im just a huge sasha fan. magic. 7.7 of 10

Current Music: paul oakenfold ireland 07 #1

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